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Staggered Return

To start the return to on-site learning we will stagger the start using an “add on” staggered entry.


Soi 20 Campus


Weds 3/11: Year 1 students will return

Thurs 4/11: Nursery, Kindergarten and Foundation students will return


Soi 31 Campus


Weds 3/11: Year 1 and Year 6 students will return

Thurs 4/11: Year 2 and Year 5 students will join our Year 1 and Year 6 students on-site.

Fri 5/11: Year 3 and 4 will return (all year levels will be on-site).


Secondary school students will not be returning in this coming week, with further announcements to be made once a start date is confirmed.

On-Site Classes: Nursery to Year 6

  • Each Year level (Syndicate) has either 3 or 4 teachers. One (1) teacher will be the Remote Learning Teacher  and all other teachers will be the on-site teachers (this will depend on the number of students on-site)


  • The children who return on-site will be divided into classes with the on-site teachers. 


  • As class sizes are small we expect to be able to have classes less than 20 on-site. 


  • The remote teacher will work with all Remote students for that year level. 


  • Students returning on-site will be controlled with at least three (3) day’s notice required if a child is returning.


Quarantine Situation:


  • Should a child or group of children be quarantined, they will resume Remote learning with the Remote  Teacher for their year level. 


  • Should all class members be quarantined, they will resume Remote Learning with their on-site teacher who  will switch to Remote teaching. This is most likely for all 3 day quarantines. 14 day quarantines are most  likely to affect groups within a class so those quarantined will commence Remote learning with the Remote  learning teacher after the initial 3 days.



On-Site Secondary

Students will be allocated into their Homeroom Bubbles and Curriculum Bubbles to minimise contact with other year  groups, and to limit movement within the Secondary School site. Already having small class sizes helps us do this with  limited disruption.


Years 7 & 8:


  • Students will have a Homeroom base classroom, where the different subject teachers will come to teach their subject.


  • The current Year Group timetables will be followed. 


  • Music, ICT, Design & Technology, Art and Design and Physical Education will be the only subjects where  students will move from their base room for specialist lessons.


Years 9 & 10:

  • Students will have a base room along with a limited range of selected rooms based on mandatory and  elective subjects. This will minimise the amount of contact with other students, Year groups and movement  within the Secondary school campus.  


  • Core subjects will be taught in the Year Group Base room, along with some selected Elective subjects.


  • Elective Specialist subjects such as; Art & Design and Design & Technology will be taught in designated  specialist rooms. Lesson times will be staggered and have gaps to allow for room cleaning between groups.



Years 11 & 12:


  • Students will be have a base room along with a limited range of selected rooms based on mandatory and  elective subjects. This will minimise the amount of contact with other students, Year groups and movement  within the Secondary school campus.


  • Core subjects will be taught in Year Group Base rooms, along with some Elective subjects. 


  • Elective Specialist subjects such as; Art and Design and Design and Technology will be taught in designated  specialist rooms. These will be staggered and have gaps to allow for cleaning between groups. 


*Physical Education will be conducted outside for all bubbles in designated staggered slots.



Secondary Quarantine Situation:


  • Should a student or group of students be quarantined, they will resume Remote learning. 


  • Should a teacher be quarantined, then, health permitting, the teacher will provide all lessons via Remote  teaching. Classes still on-site will access these lessons on-site but via Remote Learning mode in the  classroom designated for that lesson. TAs will be allocated to supervise classes. 


  • TAs will be allocated Year levels (based on floors) and remain with these year levels where possible. 


  • AISB will revert to Remote Learning should there be a number of cases throughout the Secondary school  and/or a number of teachers quarantined so that the on-site program cannot effectively be carried out.


All assemblies will be online assemblies.

Staggered Return
On-Site Classes: Nursery - Y6
On-Site Secondary

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