School Covid-19 Protocols and Response Plan
Topics Covered:
Soi 20: BMAS Music room
Soi 31: Creative Space
Innovation Centre / Secondary Campus: Music Room
Students who arrive at school and do not have authorized access to enter school will be taken to the Isolation Care Room by the School Nurse to await pick up by parents.
Students who have a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius will be taken to the Isolation room by the School Nurse to await pick up by parents.
Students who show symptoms of possible Covid 19 will be taken to the Isolation room by the School Nurse to await pick up by parents.
Isolation Area Safety Protocols:
The nurse will wear a PPE suit
The room will be sanitised and cleaned after each use.
The room is located away from other common and class areas.
Classroom furniture is arranged to allow for social distancing (1.5 metres) with desktop screens in place to provide further protection.
Students will sit in class according to a seating plan that keeps the same children near each other. This will be used on the carpet, in chairs/desks and when dividing students into groups for activities.
Homeroom teachers will provide all specialists a copy of the student’s assigned seating spots. Specialists will utilize the same seating chart in their teaching spaces to maintain consistency with students who form a “circle within a bubble”. This will also be used when eating lunch.
Distance markers are on floors, at gates, and door entrances and on seats in dining rooms, staff rooms, and in vehicles.
One way walkway directions are indicated on stairs and the ground in all buildings.
When transitioning or moving in the campus, children will walk in single file and will be distanced from peers, teachers or assistants. A distance rope will be used to assist younger students on Soi 20 with distancing. Students are not to hold hands with classmates or teachers/TAs.
Swimming lessons will take place in the pool. Classes will be subdivided into smaller groups to enter the change rooms (the same groups in the classroom seating plan).
All Adults:
All adults in and entering the school must wear face masks that cover the nose and mouth.
All children must wear a mask except when eating or exerting themselves physically e.g. during Fitness or P.E. During fitness and PE students will wear masks when they gather for instruction.
All students on school transport will wear masks while in transport.
Students are asked to bring an additional mask to school each day in case of breakage or loss.
Students under 3 years of age are not required to wear a mask
Students with a medical exemption not to wear a mask will not have to wear a mask
Teachers will not remove masks when teaching students in the classroom.
Face shields and masks will be worn by all kitchen staff, nannies and maids serving meals.
All bus drivers will wear masks.
Laboratory coats and aprons will be worn by Nannies and Teaching Assistants at all times.
Hand sanitising stations consisting of foot operated alcohol gel dispensers have been set up at all external entry and exit points to the campus, near the play areas and common learning spaces (eg Library) There are hand washing facilities with soap and water near toilets.
Gel dispensers are in every classroom, dining area, office area and school bus.
Children/staff will wash/sanitise their hands, upon entry to school, at the start of all breaks before leaving the classroom, upon returning to the classroom from outside, upon leaving the school and when getting onto and off of transport.
Washing hands with soap and water will be emphasized after using the toilet.
Teachers will use songs, rhymes and pictures to educate and remind children to wash their hands, how to wash their hands and of the importance to do so. Also reminders and signage not to touch their eyes or face.
The cleaning program is supervised by a system of daily checks by the school nurse.
​Outside Play equipment will be sanitized;
at the start of each day.
after each class has used it, before the next class uses it.
at the end of the day.
Each classroom has a Med Klin anti-microbe air sanitizer used at night.
Each classroom has a HEPA air purifier used from 7.30 am until 3.30pm.
Each building has a Xiomi Dunhome Ioniser for sterilizing porous materials – used nightly within classrooms and specialist areas e.g. Library.
Surfaces and touch points will be disinfected before school starts and at all breaks.
Common Areas (Library, Dining Room):
Surfaces and touch points will be cleaned with 70% alcohol after each class, before the next class enters.
School Transport:
Vans/busses will be disinfected after each return trip.
Will be checked by the Transport Co-ordinator, who will also check seat belt use and that children are seated according to the seating plan.
Student & Staff Toilets:
Cleaned before and after each break.
The Cleaner will complete the cleaning check sheet and make sure there are adequate supplies of soap and toilet paper and paper towels.
Nurse conducts spot checks daily of both cleaning and adequate supplies of soap, toilet paper and paper towels.
Toys & Resources:
Private toys are not to be brought to school.
There will be no sharing of pencils, pens, stationery or other personal items.
Students may bring own pencil cases but will be provided with pens and other essential writing items for personal use only.
White boards will be kept at each student’s desk and used only by that student.
Media technology - Ipads will be disinfected after each use.
Digital technology will be disinfected between each class. Each mouse will be disinfected after each class use.
Porous resources will be ionized daily and disinfected weekly.
Trash Collection:
All class trash will be put into plastic bags on a daily basis, disinfected and disposed through the school’s trash disposal system. This does not require outside workers to enter the school site. All trash bins have secure lids.
Disposal of masks and medical material will be according to guidelines; placed in a plastic bag with 2 caps of Bleacher (0.1% of sodium hypochlorite) sealed then placed inside a second plastic bag and sealed then sprat disinfected. The school does not encourage disposal of masks at school.
Delivery of Goods & Services:
All goods will be delivered to the school gates where AISB staff will disinfect and then move onsite.
Should outside workers be required to enter the site they will need to show a negative ATK result taken that day if they are coming on-site during school hours. They will be asked to come on-site outside of school hours if they have not taken an Antigen test.
All classrooms will have windows opened when possible; air quality and safety permitting.
This will to be done during breaks and before and after school.
Classroom doors in the Secondary area will remain open.
The class TA is responsible for break times.
The Dining room will have windows opened, air quality permitting, when in use by students.
Lunch & Catering Arrangements:
Snacks served to classrooms. Snacks will be in individual handheld pieces.
Students will either bring their own lunch in their own container or be served a meal from the school. • If served a meal from school, the meal will be served on an individual sealed plate.
Each student will bring their own spoon and fork from home.
Where this isn’t provided, a disposable spoon and fork will be provided.
After use the student will put their personal spoon and fork in their school bag, or place disposable utensils into a plastic bag for disposal.
Plates will be taken by kitchen staff who will wear masks and soft gloves to be washed using hot water and liquid detergent.
Student’s own containers will be placed in their own school bag by the student.
Birthday Celebrations:
Store bought individually wrapped treats are permitted.
Teachers can celebrate this special occasion by playing a few games or completing fun activities - No presents, gifts, or sweets bags are allowed.
Peanuts products are not allowed.
AISB’s procedures allow for children to be in a Bubble and Seal but also allow for identification of contacts as Close, Casual or No Risk.
Entrance Screenings are in place at entrances to enter the Bubble and Seal
Classes will not intermingle with other classes nor share learning spaces and recreational spaces at the same time. Rosters and timetables have been prepared for this.
Circles within a class bubble will be created with children within this “circle” being kept together for activities and using seating charts, seated together in other learning spaces and transport where possible. This will aid the identification of contacts.
When students are seated for carpet time and desk time there will be designated seating spots for each student to maintain a 1.5 metre distance between students. A seating chart will be used.
Teachers will record who goes to the toilet and the time (allocated to class TA)
Year 3-12 will record themselves on the toilet record sheet using their own pen/pencil.
During outside play all Soi 20, Soi 31; Year 1 and Year 2 TAs will record students who go to the toilet and the time.
Year 3-12 will record the time themselves using provided pens. (system to ensure a clean pen is used will be utilized)
Specialist lessons will be planned to retain the Bubble and Seal.
Eg; Primary Music will go to the homeroom classrooms to teach students.
Primary Art will be held in the Art room but desks and equipment will be cleaned after and before the next class.
Shared spaces will be cleaned before and after use by each class
Our school entry and exit procedures support Bubble and Seal.
Our transport system will support Bubble and Seal and also allow us to restrict and to identify contacts. Parents are asked to travel directly from home to school with the same people, avoiding contact with other people on the way. Wearing masks and physical distancing is to be followed should contact be made
Illness at School:
Any child exhibiting symptoms whist at school or who is unwell will be isolated in the Isolation room and cared for by the nurse until parents arrive to take the child home.
Parents of the ill student to be phoned by School Administration.
The nurse will wear a PPE suit.
The Isolation room will be disinfected after the child has gone home.
If a staff member is ill, he/she will be asked to go home immediately.
Notification of a Positive Case (ATK):
Upon receiving notification of a potential positive Covid 19 case confirmed by an ATK test:
The classroom will be closed for 3 days and cleaned. Students identified as close and casual contacts will commence a 3 day quarantine at home.
If the student who initially tested positive to the ATK, tests negative to the RT-PCR:
Close and casual contacts should take an ATK on the third day. If the result is negative, the students/staff members can return to school on the 4th day. If the result is positive then an RT-PCR test is to be taken and MoPH Guidelines followed.
If the student who initially tested positive to the ATK, tests positive to the RT-PCR
Close and casual contacts will undertake a quarantine period of 14 days and the procedure as below will be followed.
Notification of a Positive Case (RT-PCR Test):
Upon receiving notification of a Positive Covid 19 case confirmed by an RT-PCR test:
1. The School COVID Response Team will be convened immediately.
The committee will ensure a calm and measured approach in dealing with the issue at all times. The Director leads the response team. The School Development Manager will update the MOE COVID App and notify;
The Chairperson of the School Board
The Ministry of Public Health
2. Parent Notification
Parents of all students in the homeroom class will be notified by phone and email of the need to quarantine.
3. Closure and cleaning
The classroom will be closed for 3 days for deep cleaning.
All areas assessed as exposure areas will be closed and cleaned.
The class will revert to Remote Learning mode
The classroom teacher (if Nursery to Year 6) will revert to Remote Learning Mode
4. Contact identification
A list of all student contacts (by Year level, class, group activities, transport) and staff (teachers, medical, administrative, other) will be identified as Close or Casual. Other students will be classified as Low Risk.
Parents will be notified via phone and email of the status of their child as a contact and if Casual or Close will be asked to immediately pick up their child from school, to take an ATK immediately, to quarantine and to be observed for symptoms.
5. Close contacts
Students identified as close and casual contacts will commence a 14-day quarantine period at home.
Close/casual contacts who record a negative ATK result will re-take the ATK after 3 days. If this is negative, the remainder of the 14-day quarantine will be completed with close observation of symptoms.
After 14 days an ATK is taken. If this is negative, it is to be provided to the school, and the child/staff member can return to school.
If the initial ATK is positive, or indeed at any stage is positive an RT- PCR test is required.
The MoPH guidelines for a positive ATK are to be followed with the first step being; Co-ordinate to the nearest Public Health Service or Emergency call 1330, National Health Security Office (NHSO). Students and staff will be referred to Medpark Hospital
Assessed as High Risk and test positive to an Antigen Test (ATK)
Take an RT-PCR test.
Receive a Positive RT- PCR Result
The infected person shall coordinate to the nearest Public Health Service or Emergency call 1330, National Health Security Office (NHSO).
The infected person is categorized as Green, Yellow or Orange/Red.
- ​Green: Infected persons who have mild or no symptoms shall isolate themselves at home for 14 days in Home Isolation.
- Yellow: Infected persons who are experiencing symptoms shall be delivered to Organisational Isolation for 14 days observation and treatment of symptoms.
- Orange: Infected persons who have severe symptoms shall be delivered to be cured at a Hospital.
- Red: Infected persons who have severe symptoms at emergency state shall be delivered to be treated at a Hospital.
Assessed as High Risk and test negative to the Antigen Test (ATK)
may be in a state of incubation and so needs to isolate and take an Antigen Test (ATK) after 3 days.
If symptoms are being felt it is necessary to re-test (ATK) once again immediately.
Quarantine guidelines
Infected persons who have initial symptoms shall isolate themselves from other persons (including in their home) so as to reduce the virus spreading. For example:
Separate personal appliances and restrooms.
Wear medical face masks at all times
Observe symptoms and check body temperature. If find difficulty in breathing, it is necessary to Obtain immediate medical treatment.
notify close persons in order to perceive their risks.
Test with RT-PCR

We're Here To Help
For New Parents:
For Current Parents:
Call Us
Soi 20: 02-260-4575 / 02-663-5495 – 7
Soi 31: 02-662-2827 / 06-1820-6049 / 09-9218-1546