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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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  • Will we be having a staggered start when beginning On-site Learning?
    Yes. To ensure that all students have the opportunity to become familiar with the new systems in place to help protect our community, we will, for the first few days, be bringing in different year groups on different days to allow us to manage the procedures and effectively show them to students. The year groups will return as follows over the first 3 days back in school: Soi 20 Campus Weds 3/11: Year 1 students will return Thurs 4/11: Nursery, Kindergarten and Foundation students will return Soi 31 Campus Weds 3/11: Year 1 and Year 6 students will return Thurs 4/11: Year 2 and Year 5 students will join our Year 1 and Year 6 students on-site. Fri 5/11: Year 3 and 4 will return (all year levels will be on-site). Secondary school students will not be returning in this coming week, with further announcements to be made once a start date is confirmed.
  • Will the students have to swipe in?
    All students on Soi 31 and Soi 31 Secondary will have a scan card which they will use to swipe in and out of the campus. Bag tags will be provided to attach the swipe card to younger student’s bags. Children on Soi 20 will not.
  • How can we get the cards or bag tags?
    Swipe Cards and bag tags can be collected from school ahead of the re-opening of the school to the student. These are to be collected from the Clarendon window (Soi 31). We will advise when they are available.
  • What will the classrooms look like?
    Students and teachers will be wearing masks in class at all times; The teachers will frequently be reminding the student about personal hygiene, especially washing their hands and the need for distancing to prevent the spread of illness. Every classroom will have a cleaning kit and hand sanitiser. Before and after all breaks students will sanitise their hands and also if they move to a different classroom for a specialist lesson. The teachers will encourage the student to clean their work surface throughout the school day. Classroom doors and, where safe to do so, class windows will be kept open for part of the day to encourage air flow through the learning spaces. Fixed seating (using a seating plan) will be provided to help trace student contact. We will keep this seating plan in all learning spaces and when eating.
  • Can we still borrow books from the library?
    The library be open to those who return on-site to school.
  • Can the student bring a bag to school?
    Yes. The student can bring a bag in with them. This should carry essential items only- water bottle, hat, spare face mask; along with anything needed for lessons that day, such as swimming gear.
  • Will my child need to be Covid 19 tested before returning to school?
    Yes. To help minimise and monitor levels of infection, all students must be tested with an Antigen Test Kit (ATK) before returning to school. This must be once (1x) per week. We have just been notified that the nasal test or the saliva test can be used. Note: Nursery students do not need to do the ATK
  • What is an ATK?
    An ATK is an Antigen Test Kit that screens people for Covid 19. It is not as effective as the RT-PCR Test and so is only a screening test, not a conclusive test. There are nasal ATKs and saliva ATKs. All ATKs must pass FDA standards and over 50 brands have been approved. They are sold in pharmacies and retail outlets.
  • Where can I get an Antigen Test Kit (ATK)?
    Antigen tests are available from Boots Pharmacies and from MedPlus clinic (they are cheaper at Medplus). The school will sell ATKs for 90THB but will require parents to buy for 2 weeks at a time. We will provide an order form and bank details to transfer payment into.
  • How do we conduct the ATK? What if I have difficulty?
    To enter the school premises, a nasal swab, or a saliva test as part of the ATK test, will need to be completed to help reduce the risk for our whole school community. We are unable to administer this test on your child, thus it must be done at home. Most test kits come with links to tutorial videos to help you administer the test correctly. There are also some examples of how to use these test kits on YouTube, but please check for any tutorial videos on the packs you purchase as they may differ slightly. Please note: You can use either a saliva test or a nasal test.
  • How will I inform the school of my child’s ATK result?
    Take the test every Sunday and Wednesday evening – after 6.00pm. This means a parent can record their child’s test for Monday at any point after 6:00 pm on Sunday and their child’s test for Thursday at any point after 6 pm on Wednesday. NB: Tests are not be taken before 6.00 pm on a Sunday and Wednesday evening. Once you have taken the test, write your child’s name on the test strip and the date. Take a photo of the test strip. Send the photo via the Year Level ATK link, making sure you complete all questions on the link. NB: The link will always remain the same but each year level will have a different link. The latest we can accept a test result being forwarded to school is 6am on a Monday and 6am on a Thursday. Please send it on the Sunday and Wednesday evening.
  • What if I forget to send in the ATK result for my child?
    Your child will not be allowed to enter school. If he/she arrives at school unaccompanied, he/she will be taken to the Isolation room until you pick him/her up. If accompanied by a parent or Home Helper your child will be asked to return home. You are asked to test your child at home. You may then send in the negative test result, inform the school via phone that you have sent the result and then may return to school that day.
  • What if I forget to send in the TST result for my child?
    Your child will not be allowed to enter school. If he/she arrives at school unaccompanied, he/she will be taken to the Isolation Room (Care Room) until parents are able to confirm a Low risk TST and send in this confirmation via the Year Level Screening link. The child’s scan card will then be activated. If accompanied by a parent or Home Helper your child will be asked to return home or stay off site until the TST result can sent via the Year Level Screening link, be verified and the child’s scan card activated.
  • How long will screening with ATKs and TST be required to access school?
    We will follow the screening requirements until we receive further directions from the MoPH and OPEC.
  • Does my child have to be Covid 19 vaccinated to attend school?
    The Ministry of Public Health currently provides Covid 19 vaccinations to children aged 12-17. We ask children in this age range to be vaccinated, however they can attend school if not vaccinated.
  • Do I need to fill in the Health and Travel declaration form again?
    Yes just prior to opening on-site all families will be asked to complete the form.
  • What is Thai Save Thai? (TST)
    Thai Safe Thai is a website that allows you to log in and after completing a series of questions it assesses your risk as Normal, Low Risk, High Risk, Severe Risk. You must complete this every day. Firstly you will need to register. You register the Establishment as Australian International School Bangkok (โรงเรียน นานาชาติ ออสเตรเลีย กรุงเทพ) if your child attends Soi 31 or Soi 31 Secondary or Aucksara International School if your child attends Soi 20. You register as an Employee. Log in daily and complete the questions. You will be given an assessment level every time you complete the survey and will need to follow the directions given for that level.
  • How will I inform the school of my child’s Thai Save Thai result?
    Every evening send via the Year Level Screening link. It takes you to a google form to fill out. You need to do it every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening.
  • Will AISB staff be tested too?
    All AISB staff will also be subject to the same testing routine as the students, with the tests being carried out every Sunday evening. Staff must also send test results so that we are aware of the status of everyone who enters the school buildings.
  • What are the arrangements for Drop-off in the morning?
    Soi 20 Drop off at double gates – met by TA to take students directly to their class Foundation/Year 1 7.30am Nursery 8:00am Kindergarten 8:00am Soi 31 The entrance gate (turnstyle) opens at 7:15am. All Yr. 3,4,5,6 students scan in through the turn styles. All Yr. 1,2,3 students scan in via Clarendon Students go directly to their classroom. Yr.1 to Yr.3 TAs will be at the Clarendon Foyer to escort students to their room. All Yr. 4,5,6 students go directly to their room Soi 31 Secondary School Drop off at IC– students go directly to their class Students can enter via the Innovation Centre Gate from 7.15am (use scan card) They will be required to also scan into the Secondary School Campus at the next entry gate.
  • What are the arrangements for picking my child/ren up in the afternoon?
    Soi 20 Nursery 1: 12noon Nursery 2: 12:10 Kindergarten: 13:00 Foundation: 13:50 Year 1: 14:00 Students will be taken to the gate in socially distanced lines and be signed out to parents. Parents wait in the tent area. Soi 31 Yr.1-3: Teachers / TAs will escort their students to the Clarendon Foyer Yr.4-5: Teachers / TAs will escort their students to the Brickendon Foyer Yr.6: Teachers / TAs will escort their students to the Entally Library NB: Montri students leave class 10 mins early Arriving parents will enter through Gate 1 and wait under cover near the Clarendon entrance. There will be TAs at a table who will sign out children when parents arrive. A TA at the table will radio to have the student brought to the parent. • The parent and child will exit through Gate 1 Please note that students who have their last lesson at the Innovation Centre will be bussed back to Soi 31 for parent pickup. Students who are not picked up by 14:20 will be escorted to the Clarendon Foyer for pick up. Soi 31 Secondary School Secondary students will either be taken to school transport to board from the Innovation Centre or Will be picked up by parents/leave alone from the Innovation Centre entrance gate. We will manage the exit from the Secondary school to the Innovation Centre gate by Year levels to limit interaction of students. Yr. 7 first, then Yr. 8, then Yr. 9, then Yrs.10,11,12 to allow classes to distance.
  • What do I do if my child tests positive with the ATK at home?
    If your child tests positive with an ATK, it is important not to panic but to remain calm and then; 1) Do not come to school. Re-test with an ATK after two hours to help rule out a possible false-positive result. Should this also show a positive result, take your child for an RT-PCR at your preferred hospital or Medpark Hospital. Or 2) Immediately take your child for an RT-PCR at your preferred hospital or Medpark Hospital. Please inform the school via email if your child has a positive ATK (after the second ATK if you intend to do a second test). Then inform the school again of the result of the RT-PCR test. Soi 31 Campus: ( Soi 20 Campus: ( Following an RT-PCR test result, the medical staff at the hospital will guide you through the correct course of treatment.
  • What happens if a family member or Household staff tests positive, or we have close contact with a positive case?"
    (a) If someone within your household tests positive for COVID, and they have had contact with your child, your child must remain at home for 14 days and be tested with an ATK on days 1, 4 and 14. You must inform the school immediately. (b) If someone in your household becomes a high-risk person (due to exposure to someone who is infected) and they have had contact with your child, your child must remain at home for 14 days. You must inform the school immediately Your child to be tested with an ATK on days 1, 4 and 14. Each time your child takes an ATK test (ie; Day 1, 4 and14) you need to photo graph the test results (make sure you put the date and child’s name on the test strip first) and send the photo and information through the Year Level ATK link.
  • What medical facilities do you have at school to deal with a suspected case?
    We have created an Isolation room (Care room) where students displaying symptoms of COVID can be moved to. The student will wait here with the school nurse until their parents come to collect them. This room is thoroughly cleaned after the student is picked up.
  • What happens if a child in school has symptoms of COVID?
    The student will immediately be taken to the nurse. If the symptoms could indicate a COVID infection, the nurse will take the student to the Isolation care room, take their temperature and contact their parents. Parents will come and collect their child, along with any siblings. On arrival at home, an ATK should be conducted or you can take your child to hospital for a medical opinion. Please inform the school of the result of the initial ATK and then of the RT-PCR if one is conducted. Please do so via email. Soi 31 Campus: ( Soi 20 Campus: ( Negative Test Result If the test is negative, you should continue to monitor their symptoms. The parents are to provide another negative test result after two days to allow for the child’s return to school if the symptoms are gone. Positive Test Result If a test is taken and is positive, the parents need to take the child to Hospital for the RT-PCR test and work with the hospital /medical authorities on the correct treatment for their child.
  • What happens if there’s a case in my child’s class?
    If a family reports a positive ATK result for their child, the parents of that child’s class would be contacted and the class will immediately be closed for 3 days to allow deep cleaning to take place, along with other spaces the child has spent time in. Should we receive confirmation that a child has tested positive after an RT-PCR test, the school will immediately inform parents of every student in that class and move the class to Remote Learning for a total of 14 days. The parents of any other student deemed low risk for infection will also be informed so they can monitor and test their children using ATK tests.
  • How will school support my child if they test positive?
    If a child tests positive with an ATK, the school can advise parents on the next steps to take in terms of obtaining a RT-PCR test. If your child is well enough to attend school Remotely, we will arrange for him/her to have Remote Learning.
  • What actions will be taken to ensure that there is no stigma from a child/family testing positive?
    Some students may be anxious as they return to the classroom. Teachers will be preparing materials to support the transition of students into school and these will be delivered in Health lessons. We will also cover issues such as the need for sensitive responses when a friend or someone in their family has contracted COVID 19.
  • Are parents allowed into school?
    There will be restricted access to the campus for parents. Only parents with a prior appointment (and who have taken an ATK – bring to school to verify and a TST assessment) will be allowed on campus.
  • Will I still be able to make payments at Accounts?
    We ask that all accounts be paid using online payments.
  • How can I meet my child’s teacher?
    You will need to make an appointment to visit the class teacher onsite. You can book an appointment via the teacher’s email. You will need to bring a negative ATK result and declare a Low Risk and below TST assessment. Zoom meetings are encouraged.
  • How can we get the cards or bag tags?
    Swipe cards and bag tags can be collected from school ahead of the re-opening of the school to the student. These are to be collected from the Clarendon window (soi 31). We will advise when they are available.
  • What’s happening with lunches and snacks?
    Snacks will be served in the student’s classroom and will be hand held snacks such as fruit pieces and biscuits. Snacks will be individual and served to the student by the staff, not taken from a shared plate. All students can bring a lunch from home or use the school lunch service (at cost) Please be aware that we do not allow student to share food and as we are a Nut Free school, we ask you not to pack any nuts or products containing nuts. Screens will remain on the tables to help protect the student while they have their masks off to eat. Classes will be rostered into the dining room, one class at a time or will eat in their own classroom. All students must bring their own spoon and fork every day.
  • Any other questions?
    If you have any other questions regarding the return to the physical school, please contact either your child’s class teacher or Sheridan Musto – Head of Nursery Laura King - Head of Primary Neil Robinson – Head of Secondary Brenton Hall – School Director
  • My child was temporarily withdrawn from Remote Learning or we deferred their start date. How do we return to school?
    We have surveyed parents to get an indication of how many students will return to school. We will re-survey once we have our date to re-open, to confirm your child’s attendance on-site. Once you confirm your intention to return on-site, our Admissions Department will confirm the school place with you and your child’s start date. Detailed information will then be sent to you.
  • Will Remote Learning continue if we choose to keep our children at home?
    Our preliminary survey showed that most (90%) of students will return to On-site learning. We anticipate that we will assign one teacher from each year group to temporarily continue running Remote Learning. Children who remain working from home will be allocated to this teacher, who will not necessarily be their current classroom teacher.
  • What if I choose Remote Learning but change my mind and want to return on-site.
    You can choose to return to on-site learning at any time BUT we do require 3 days notice so that we can organize your entry into a class and the teachers can prepare for your child. Please inform us via email: - soi 20 campus - soi 31 campus
  • We aren’t in Thailand. How can my child keep up with work?
    We have a number of families who are not in the country. They will continue with Remote Learning with the same arrangements that they currently have until the end of Term 1.
  • Will the children still do language lessons/ Thai lessons?
    Language lessons will take place as normal. Teachers will create fixed seating plans for each class. This way we will have a record of where children have been sitting in the case of a positive case of Covid-19. After School Thai lessons for Thai students will commence in the second week that Onsite begins again.
  • Will music lessons still take place?
    Music lessons will take place as normal. Teachers and students will use face masks when singing.
  • Will the children be swimming?
    For the first week back in school, the students will not be swimming. This will allow us some time to help them adjust to life back in school and the new routines.
  • Will PE be going ahead as normal?
    Yes PE will continue as scheduled and students should wear their PE uniform to school when they have a PE lesson.
  • Will there be ASA and Sports Training?
    Initially, we will not be conducting in school After School Activities (ASAs) or after-school Sports Training. We will start these later once we have had a chance to ensure our safety protocols can be followed by all of our outside providers.
  • How will the School Bus Services operate?
    Every Monday and Thursday morning all students boarding a bus from home must show a negative ATK result before being able to board the bus. This should be a photo on a mobile phone. Parents will also need to verbally declare a Low Risk and below TST assessment every morning. A temperature check will be taken before boarding. Student will sanitise their hands before boarding. Students will have fixed seats for the journeys they take. Buses will be sanitised after every journey. Bus drivers and bus monitors will be screened with ATKs twice per week. Please note that queues for Shuttle Services may be longer due to the reduced capacity on the bus, so please allow a little extra time for your child’s journey.
  • How can we support the Bubble and Seal on the way to school?
    Parents either transporting their children to school or walking with them are encouraged to go directly from home to school avoiding stops on the way and avoiding meeting friends outside of their bubble on the way. Practise safe distancing and wear masks.
  • Does my child have to wear a uniform if attending onsite?
  • Does my child have to wear a uniform if attending Remotely?
  • Will the Uniform Shop be open?
    Yes, parents can visit the uniform shop and make a purchase on a Saturday morning from 9am to 12 noon or on a week day before school opens for on-line learning. From Monday to Friday You will need to make an appointment to visit the uniform shop. You can book an appointment via email ( - Soi 20, - Soi31). The uniform shop is open from Monday to Friday from 08.30 am to 4. 00pm. To come on-site You will need to bring a negative ATK result and declare a Low Risk and below TST assessment.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Protocols & Response Plan

Hybrid Teaching Model

Returning to School & ATK Testing

Transport & Campus Access

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