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Returning to School and ATK Testing

Before School

Prior to Returning to On-site Learning 

What Do I Need To Do?

  • All parents and students in Year 5 and above must sign the AISB Student Agreement Return Onsite (link)

  • Parents must provide details of Vaccinations of all household members. 

  • Parents and staff must keep a Places Visited & Travel Log (link)

  • Parents and staff must register for the Thai Save Thai (TST) assessment (link)

  • All Soi 31 and Soi 31 Secondary students will be issued with a scan card that will be used to scan into the campuses.

Thai Save Thai (TST):

  • Select establishment - Type in "Australian" as the key word

  • Soi 31 Students: Sign up using Australian International School Bangkok (โรงเรียน นานาชาติออสเตรเลีย กรุงเทพ)

  • Soi 20 Students: Sign up using Aucksara International School (โรงเรียน อักษัรานานาชาติ) 

  • Sign up as employee

  • Complete the TST assessment

What Do I Need To Do Before School?

Step 1: Health Screen:

Parents are asked to check their child for symptoms of illness, runny nose, cough, headache, diarrhoea. If  showing any such symptoms the child is to remain at home until symptoms cease.

Step 2: Temperature Check:

  • Parents are asked to check children’s temperature before leaving home and to also check for any  symptoms of illness. If the temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius do not send your child to school. 

  • All students and staff entering the school will have their temperature checked using a hands-free thermo scanner at the Entry point to the school. 

  • School bus drivers and bus monitors must check their temperature before beginning work. 

  • Staff will record temperatures on the clipboard for monthly monitoring. 

  • Students and staff who record a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius are not allowed to enter school. The student will be asked to return home if accompanied by their parent or Household Helper.  If unaccompanied the student will be taken to the Isolation Room by the school nurse and parents will be contacted to pick up their child. The family will be advised to conduct an ATK .

Step 3: ATK: Antigen Test Kit (twice per week) - See next section below for more details:

  • As the school is in the deep red zone, ATK results must be conducted and forwarded to the school twice per week

  • Parents will be required to provide an FDA approved ATK for their children. AISB will forward a list of recommended ATKs and suppliers to parents. ATKs will be made available to parents through the Uniform Shop

  • Every Sunday evening and every Wednesday evening, from 18:00 onwards, students and staff will take an Antigen Test using either a nasal or a saliva ATK. 

  • Parents will write the student’s name and test date on the test strip in permanent marker and photograph it.

  • Send photo to school using the Year Level Screening Link

Step 4: Thai Save Thai Assessment (daily):

  • Complete the Thai Save Thai (TST) assessment every evening of the day before going to school (after 6pm)  and send to school using the Year Level Screening Link. 

  • This must be sent via the link no later than 6am of the day attending school but preferred the evening  before.

Step 5: AISB Risk Assessment: 

  • Low Risk: Upon receipt of both a negative ATK result and the TST assessment that is “Low Risk” or below the school  will activate the student’s/staff member’s school pass (scan card for Soi 31 ) allowing the student/staff  member to attend school. 

  • High Risk: If the risk is assessed as High Risk and above the student; 

    • cannot enter school. 

    • must have an Antigen Test (ATK)  

    • must follow the procedures as explained in the TST Risk Assessment Flow Chart

  • Random Testing: Each week a random sample of staff and students will be ATK tested.

Antigen Test Kit (ATK)


  • As the school is in the deep red zone, ATK results must be conducted and forwarded to the school twice per week

  • Every Sunday evening and every Wednesday evening, from 18:00 onwards, students and staff will take an Antigen Test using either a nasal or a saliva ATK.

  • Parents will write the student’s name and test date on the test strip in permanent marker and photograph it.

  • Send photo to school using the Year Level Screening Link

ATK Not Submitted:

  • If a student/staff member does not submit an ATK result the individual will not be allowed entry to the school.

  • If a student who does not have permission to enter the school, arrives at school he/she will be taken to the Isolation Area escorted by the school nurse. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child from school.  The child will be taken from the Isolation area to meet the parent at the gate.  

  • The student may return as soon as a negative ATK result is forwarded to the school. This can be the same  day but the test must be done off site. Parents are to phone the school to notify that they are sending an  ATK result.

ATK Is Positive:

  • If a child or staff member has a positive ATK result or a High Risk and above TST assessment then they must not attend school. 

  • Staff and students testing positive to an ATK must have an RT-PCR test and follow the MoPH Infection plan.

Provision of ATKs:

  • Parents provide ATKs: Parents will be required to provide an FDA approved ATK for their children. AISB will  forward a list of recommended ATKs and suppliers to parents.

  • ATKs will be made available to parents through the Uniform Shop on a fortnightly basis at cost using a pre order system. 

  • Staff will be provided with ATKs on a fortnightly basis.

Before Returning
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